About Us
The GLG edge.
GLG Consulting is an Australian-owned firm with a passion for reducing complexity and removing barriers for growth. Our projects often focus on helping a business better understand costs or a business opportunity, and identifying ways to improve on this.
Our team has a combined experience of over 25 years in the management consulting field and we all believe in smaller agile projects that hold us to account and demonstrate a fast return on your investment. Our projects are scoped to maximise value for you.
Our Service Principles.
1. We scope projects for maximum client value:
- We aim to have clients cash positive as fast as possible
- We do not add in any wasteful work we wouldn’t pay for ourselves
- We don’t charge for learning on the job
2. We are flexible and responsive:
- We proactively review our approach in response to what we learn
- We are responsive to emerging demands on client time
- We manage scope changes within budget
3. We work on parallel projects:
- We don’t produce a “flood stream” of documents that you can’t keep up with
- We avoid downtime
- We operate efficiently and you pay less
4. We stand by our work:
- We never recommend anything we wouldn’t be happy to implement
- We do not “rubber stamp”, and we are also not afraid to say “it’s not broken”
- We are happy to engage on risk/reward basis
5. We engage with respect:
- We engage and listen, and recognise the contributions of people before us
- We provide our honest feedback, even when it differs from established views
- We work hard to create success for everyone we work with

Our priority is to create success for our clients.