Crystal Print Media
Are you leveraging your customer successes?
We helped Brisbane based Crystal Print Media identify opportunities to differentiate their service in a highly competitive market, and are working with them to secure new business opportunities.
The Client Situation
Crystal Print Media have a been servicing clients with high quality print products for close to 30 years. As many marketing and administrative activities slowly shift online, the $7.7 billion Australian market has been slowly shrinking and becoming increasingly competitive. Crystal Media identified the need to find new customers that value their quality and hands-on expertise and needed help to identify, prioritise and approach these organisations.
How We Became Involved
GLG Consulting were referred to Crystal media by another one of our clients. We proposed an initial low cost diagnostic activity as a way to build a shared understanding, with the potential for an ongoing relationship if we identified significant opportunity.
Our Solution
Crystal media had one specific customer opportunity in mind. We promoted our view that it was important to expand the opportunity base further to identify a long and structured list of high-potential customers. As part of our solution, we also proposed developing a clear understanding of how Crystal might provide a differentiated service either by (a) offering specific expertise relevant to the customer’s industry, or b) by better understanding and meeting the factors driving print purchasing decisions for each customer.
Work Performed
Over a very short timeline, we focused our efforts on performing five major activities: Performing a “secret shopper” market test to assess Crystal Media’s position and pricing in the market. Performed a detailed analysis of the current customer base and interviewed a sample of customers to understand what customers value. Performing detailed investigations into the purchasing practices three major customer groups, being local government, state government, and large Brisbane based organisations, including over 100 discussions with print or marketing managers. Developing a prioritised list of recommended actions and next steps.

The Result
We developed six “win themes” that would differentiate Crystal Media from their competition and articulate the case for customers to make a switch. Our report included 108 recommended target customers, with a clear logic for why these represent the best opportunity for new sales. In compiling this list, we contacted many potential customers and managed to lock in some initial meetings. With a strong belief in the quality of our work, GLG Consulting then offered to pursue these new customer opportunities on the list on behalf of Crystal Media on a no success no fee basis, and this was accepted by Crystal Media.
“We have always had a reputation for servicing our existing customer base well, but GLG Consulting helped us realise that we must be constantly reaching out to new customers in this increasingly competitive market. Len and Benedict performed a very comprehensive analysis of the opportunities available to us, and I feel like we have a clear and compelling strategy for growth. The six “win themes” for Crystal Media provide a great insight into what we do well, and I can see our business rallying around these not only for sales and marketing activities, but also as part of our core team identity”
Gavin Allen, Managing Director
Industry in Australia