Holcim Concrete Safety Task Force
Is paperwork distracting you from what is important?
We helped the Holcim Concrete team reduce “tick and flick” paperwork and increase focus on safety in the field.
The Client Situation
Following feedback from participants in their Safety Day for 2016, Holcim Australia’s concrete business realised it needed to perform a review of safety activities to ensure effort was being placed on the right activities. Safety tools, checklist, and paperwork had gradually built up over the years, and it was time to look at these and determine if they were really the best way to effectively manage safety.
How We Became Involved
Len Goold from GLG Consulting had worked closely with members of the Holcim Safety team on a number of safety and cultural change programs at Cement Australia and was seen as a logical choice to facilitate this program of work. The safety programs at Cement Australia worked across production, maintenance and logistics staff, and aimed to address a similar mix of safety challenges.
Our Solution
Our 12 week project reviewed current safety processes, and determined:
The right activities to be done and who should be doing them
How these can best be done effectively and efficiently
How Holcim could best improve the ability of frontline managers to lead safety, both by improving their competency and freeing up time to spend in the field
Work Performed
The GLG Consulting team performed the following activities:
Confirmed and evaluated all safety activities currently being performed in the concrete business
Engaged a working group of business representatives to review the effectiveness and efficiency of all activities, and propose best practice approaches to improve on this
Analysed over 3,000 pages of legacy forms and spreadsheets
Performed two group workshops to confirm the right activities, and recommend how these should be done
Performed two rounds of detailed consultation with over 60 representatives from all parts of the business

The Result
The process of heavy engagement with the front line, the following outcomes were achieved:
A list of 44 “Right Activities” and responsibilities for performing these
30 improvement recommendations falling under seven major themes
An implementation plan comprising 18 programs of work, with 7 of these targeted for completion prior to year end
Consultation with and broad support from over 60 representatives from across the business
Estimated efficiency gains adding up to over 8 annual full time roles
“By investing time to reach out to their front line staff, Holcim Concrete were able to identify which processes were improving safety and which were just a ‘tick-and-flick’ distraction.”